Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Manage Your Time for a Research Project on Real Estate Finance

How to Manage Your Time for a Research Project on Real Estate Finance Working on a research project involves two key aspects; writing your project, and time management. These two factors generally go hand-in-hand and must be considered for the success of your entire project. Therefore, this article will be dedicated to time management and the role it plays in ensuring a successful project both for the writing and delivery stage. Before delving into the meat of today’s article, it is important to understand the meaning of time management and its role in a research project. Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities thereby increasing one’s productivity and effectiveness. Most projects –such as one on real estate finance - consist of writing and presenting the content contained in the written assignment to an intended audience. And in both cases, the way you make use of the time allotted to your presentation is critical to the entire success of the project. So here are some tips on how to manage your time. Prepare a Project Timeline Research projects are usually extensive due to the amount of research needed to find facts and figures to make convincing arguments with. Therefore, it is important to create a timeline using the project submission date as your yardstick. The next step is allotting time for your research on real estate finance, the use of questionnaires or for the diagrams you intend to build for visualization purposes. This timeline must be divided to include, writing, building, completion and submission. Write, Write, Write Now that your research is done, the next step is writing the content that makes your argument, answers the questions raised or discusses your point of view. Here, it is quite important to spend as little time as possible in doing your writing task since you already have all the needed materials and knowledge to complete the task. Create Something Realistic For some topics, it is important to create a simulation or model that showcases your thought process. And for a subject or topic like real estate finance, you can simply create a 3D financial model that shows how finance from banks aid the sector. Note that the projected timeline for completing this should not be too close to the submission date for you may have to practice on presenting your entire project in class. Work on Your Presentation If a presenting process is included in your research project, then an allotted time for speaking would be provided to all candidates working on a project. Therefore it is important to stick to the allotted time and to do this, intense practice at home using a powerpoint presentation as your guideline must be done. Ensure you master the act of presentation in which sticking to the allotted time is a key feature for a good presentation. These four tips provide timely guidelines that you can use in breaking down your project into manageable sections guided by time to achieve the success you deserve. Take your time to also visit our 10 facts.

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